Who to Call

As a NADL-Certified Dental Laboratory, D&S Dental Laboratory’s staff call on a wealth of information and experience on every case. We’re also available for consultation or with answers about materials and general lab processes, and always make time to help our doctors. For help with specific questions, we encourage you to directly contact our team members.
D&S Dental Laboratory Headquarters
P. 800.236.3859 / F. 608.849.7500
Pete Derauf, CDT
Randy Stifter, CDT
Steve Daggett, CDT
Kate Seidel, CDT
Annalea Bauer, CDT
Jenna Pruess
Lorrie Bilodeau
Joel Jennings
Joel Jennings
Our Satellite Labs
Amanda Weteska (800)747-4668
David Koeferl (414)546-3040
Tracy Niles (800)362-3340
Stacey Gruber (800)591-7964
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