Other Resources
- Article: Addressing Poor Performance
Books from NADL Leadership Series
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
- The Leader’s Greatest Return by John Maxwell
- Six Thinking Hats by Dr. Edward de Bono – We encourage you to explore Six Thinking Hats in more detail. There are loads of resources available with a quick google or youtube search that would help you introduce this tool to other team members.
- Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan and Switzler
Articles from NADL Leadership Series
- Article: Good Leadership is About Communicating Why
- More about the “Level 5 Leadership” concept by Jim Collins
- The tools you’re leaning in this series will help you combat the 3 Common Fallacies About Creativity outlined in this Harvard Business Review article. For example, the technique asking everyone to invest in “individual think time” before the group brainstorming is cited to yield 2x the number of ideas!
- The Three Types of Workplace Courage by Bill Treasurer
- Through their research, Gallop is a leading expert on the real drivers of employee and engagement. Learn more about the science behind the 12 needs that managers can meet to improve your employees’ productivity.
Videos from NADL Leadership Series
- The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown (Ted Talk)
- Links to videos shared during Session 2:
o Vulnerability – Patrick Lencioni
o Vulnerability, Not Oversharing – 60 Minutes – Brene Brown - Video: Miscommunication by Katherine Hampsten
- Video: Empathy vs. Sympathy by Brene Brown
- Video: How to Build Courage by Cindy Solomon
- Lollipop Moment by Drew Dudley
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch short version/long version