Organized by and for Madison-Area Women Dentists
Women in Dentistry Roundtable
Since 2017, the Madison-Area Women in Dentistry Roundtable group has been hosting quarterly discussions focused on the needs of women dentists who own or lead dental practices. The goal is to learn from and with colleagues about best practices, leadership and more.
Organized by D&S Dental Laboratory. Meeting sponsorships available – contact Joleen at D&S.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022
6:00 – 6:30 pm Social – Cocktails and apps
6:30 – 8:00 pm Facilitated Discussion
Contact Joleen at D&S – 608-849-5343 or [email protected]
How To Achieve Work-Life Balance
$20 paid that night; cash or check please
Vintage Brewing Co.
674 S. Whitney Way, Madison
John Wayne Room

Dr. Liberty Boucher, University Hills Dental
“ When D&S approached me to be part of the Women in Dentistry advisory board, I was concerned the group would feel like a vent session, a ‘Who’s Who’ popularity contest, or simply an unproductive waste of time. I’m glad I was wrong! It has been an incredible resource for all who participate. I love that we are a group of women with diverse experiences that range from new grads to recently retired, associates, partners, owners, general dentists and specialists. For me, the most valuable thing I take away from the group is that I am not alone in the unique challenges that women in dentistry face, and if I ever need help there is an entire group willing to lend a hand!”

Dr. Laura Tills, Riverplace Dental
“In the field of dentistry, it’s easy to feel isolated as a female dentist. This group provides camaraderie that is priceless – especially after this past year. It is so good to hear from
colleagues that the problems we all face (as a dentist, practice owner, or mother) are normal, and having a network of professionals who we can confidentially discuss these things with
has been so helpful to me.”

Dr. Kendra Schaefer, Prosthodontics of Madison
“I always try to make my schedule work so I don’t miss a Women in Dentistry meeting. The positive energy and encouragement from others who understand our daily lives is good for the soul. This group always helps me put life in perspective and makes me laugh. A lot.”